Device number: 51280
Condition: Fair
Device number: 63549
Condition: Good
Device number: 12593
Condition: Good
Software Release: N/A
Year of manufacture: 2017
hardware release: N/A
Device number: 12989
Condition: Good
Software Release: N/A
Year of manufacture: 2019
hardware release: N/A
Device number: 64994
Condition: Good
Software Release: N/A
Year of manufacture: 2007
hardware release: N/A
Device number: 48616
Condition: Good
Software Release: N/A
Year of manufacture: 2021
hardware release: N/A
Device number: 47829
Condition: Good
Software Release: N/A
Year of manufacture: 2022
hardware release: N/A
Device number: 51235
Condition: Fair
Device number: 34427
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2013
Device number: 52010
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2008
Device number: 52009
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2008
Device number: 52014
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2014
Device number: 52015
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2014
Device number: 52007
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2011
Device number: 52013
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2014
Device number: 52012
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2014
Device number: 52017
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2009
Device number: 52016
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2008
Device number: 52004
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2008
Device number: 52006
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2008
Device number: 51982
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2008
Device number: 51732
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2008
Device number: 36686
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2008
Device number: 51992
Condition: Fair
Year of manufacture: 2008